Blazed - Ban Appeal

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Joined: Sat Sep 14, 2024 7:09 pm

Blazed - Ban Appeal

Sat Sep 14, 2024 7:21 pm

1. In-Game Name: Blazed
2. Discord Name: Lovenseplug
3. What Rule You Broke: "External Autofishing"
4. Appealing for Server or Discord: Server
5. Reason You Have Been Punished: "External Autofishing"
6. Length Of Your Punishment: 180 Days
7. Why Should You Be unbanned/unmuted:

So I was banned for breaking Rule #4.5: Using any form of Automation is not allowed. in which I was "Autofishing" to obtain a quicker route to C1, I apologize for what I have done and realize that this server is not competitive and is meant to be grindy, I apologize to the Server Staff & Player base who are not able to obtain such an advantage as which I was able to.

This ban occured while I was sleeping (napped for 2 hours) and I woke up banned, I don't feel like a 180 day ban is justified, however as I s tated above I am sorry for what I did but I still think my opinion should be allowed.

I would understand the 180 Day ban if I had progressed further but seeing as I was still M26 at the time of my ban and hadn't reached higher ranks (K1) I would say I havent even reached the competitive floor where people are going to be the best, I'm sorry for autofishing once again as this server is just a past time . Hopefully you read this out fully and have a pleasant day.

8. Have you read all the Extended Rules and understand them?: Yes

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